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Development Tools
Integrity Software Design provides custom software, hardware, and networking services for businesses striving to succeed.  

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Custom Software
Customized software is the key to excelling in today's competitive digital world.  We tailor each application to the specific needs of your business.

Keeps your company on the cutting edge of today’s marketplace.

Customization allows us to tailor your software to meet your companies specific situation and needs.
Customized software allows you to enter data once into one program instead of multiple programs and get reports to analyze your profit and loss and track other.

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Computers are the backbone of today's business world.  We provide computer maintenance, repair, and replacement services to give your business the appropriate computer systems needed at a price you can afford.

  Troubleshoot your system and either repair or replace needed parts in the most cost effective manner.

  Enhance your systems by installing upgrades to increase speed & expand your capabilities.
  Analyze your hardware to determine appropriate upgrades or replacement if needed to keep you up to date with today’s technology.

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Connecting your computers via network allows your employees to share files and hardware, keeping your costs to a minimum.

  Allows your employees to share files from their desk, saving valuable work time.

  Keeps your hardware costs to a minimum by allowing employees to share printers, scanners , and other devices.
  Employees can share information from a centralized data base instead of having to synchronize data between several individualized files.


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